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Obisk Bruna Mariniča

maj 2024

31maj10:0012:00Obisk Bruna Mariniča

Podrobnosti dogodka

31. 5. ob 10.20 v 2L4
Naš bivši dijak, Bruno Marinič, bo v petek, 31.5., ob 10.20 predstavil svoje delo na Univerzi v Oxfordu, kamor se je vpisal takoj po končanem programu Mednarodne mature na II. gimnaziji Maribor.
Vabljeni na predavanje po predhodni prijavi: število mest je omejeno.
Opis dodogka
“There is perhaps no more fundamental question than the origin of life on Earth. How can we begin to think about this problem and how can chemistry help us elucidate where and how life began.”
CV Summary: 
“Dr Bruno Marinic earned his IB diploma at II. gimnazija Maribor in 2014, and moved to the UK for his undergraduate degree in chemistry at St John’s College at the University of Oxford. Following the completion of his MChem degree with distinction in 2018 he continued his studies at Oxford to pursue a DPhil in organic chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Tim Donohoe, working on developing new dearomatisation reactions of N-heterocycles. Having successfully defended his DPhil in 2023, he has moved to the MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology to work with Prof. John Sutherland FRS on elucidating the chemical origin of life. Currently, he is also a Research Associate of Corpus Christi College at the University of Cambridge, where he teaches chemistry to Natural Science undergraduates.” 



(Petek) 10:00 - 12:00


II. gimnazija Maribor

Trg Miloša Zidanška 1

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