Projektni partnerji:
Norveška (Gjovik): Ada Bråthen Øye, Aleš Črnko – šola koordinatorica
Poljska (Krakov): Bartolomej Adler, Lukazs Zych
Slovaška (Bratislava): Paul Kindji
Slovenija (Maribor): Polona Vehovar, Matjaž Vehovar
Zadeva: Erasmus + KA229: TGAL
Dvoletni projekt Erasmus+ štirih držav in šol je v sklepni fazi. Če upoštevamo še leto dni dogovarjanja med partnericami, iskanje kontaktov, postavljanje smernic ter pisanje vloge, lahko rečemo, da je za nami dolgo obdobje in počasi lahko že naredimo nekaj zaključkov. Zaključki so pomembni predvsem zaradi dognanj in spoznanj, ki nam jih je prineslo takšno sodelovanje, na osnovi katerih bomo zastavili usmeritev za prihodnje projekte.
– 4 izmenjave, 4 države, 4 IB šole, več kot 100 dijakov
– 1 leto usklajevanja in prijave na razpis
– 2 leti aktivnega dela
– Več kot 20 sestankov
– Več kot 20 akcij na terenu
1. Vizija – Deluj lokalno
Ime projekta ima izhodišče v dejanskem delovanju na terenu, v neposrednem lokalnem okolju članic projekta. Pri tem nas zanima delovanje dijakov na področju trajnostnega razvoja, odgovornosti do družbe in okolja.
V konkretnih primerih smo tako sadili drevesa v okolju z onesnaženim zrakom v okolici Krakova in se simbolično vključili v reševanje problematike vojnih imigrantov iz Ukrajine na Poljskem. Družili smo se z brezdomci v industrijskih delih Maribora in jim tako pomagali. Nudili smo pomoč pri učenju otrokom, ki prihajajo iz narodnih manjšin in skupnosti v Sloveniji. Na Norveškem (Gjovik) smo spoznavali okoljski vidik pri razvoju zdravega sloga življenja in družbene trajnostni (izposoja brezplačne opreme za zimske športe na voljo vsem, optimalna poraba (ostankov) hrane (preko aplikacij) in odnosa do narave ter klimatskih sprememb.
Pred nami je še gostovanje v Bratislavi (Slovaška), kjer se bomo posvetili medgeneracijskim odnosom in ničelni toleranci do nasilja. Izpeljane so bile tudi številne akcije na mikro nivoju. Vse to z namenom seznaniti dijake, bodoče aktivne državljane EU k proaktivni vlogi v omenjenih tematikah aktivnega državljanstva.
2. Zaključki
Med dijaki in profesorji so se stkala številna prijateljstva. Seznanili smo se z različnimi vidiki razmišljanja. Učitelji so delovali kot motivatorji, ki dijaške potenciale prepoznajo, aktivirajo in razvijajo. Čeprav je bilo vloženo obilo dela izven opisa nalog, pa so učitelji vedno poskrbeli, da ni trpelo delo na matičnih šolah. Celo več. Učitelji so vsem sodelujočim nudili možnost pridobitve mednarodnih kompetenc. Le-te imajo nekatere šole v kurikulumu (trajnostni razvoj, osebna dobrobit in počutje dijakov in učiteljev). Sedem profesorjev je izvedlo številna usklajevanja, priprave programa ter vložilo veliko energije in truda v izvedbo projekta. Zelo smo se potrudili, da projekt ne ostane samo delo in zavedanje peščice. S tem namenom želimo projekt širiti//nadaljevati tudi v obliki vloge za naslednji projekt v okviru Erasmus+ strateška partnerstva. (iz KA229 na KA220). Sodelovanje vseh sodelujočih je izredno koristno in skoraj nujno, da se projekt nadaljuje v enaki sestavi. V sklopu projekta je tako sodelovalo več kot 100 dijakov iz štirih šol iz prav toliko že omenjenih držav. Skupno bomo opravili štiri mobilnosti, kar je 20 dni. Še bolj pomembno pa je, da ta projekt ni namenjen zgolj udeležencem izmenjav in da dijakom pomeni izjemno referenco in prepoznavnost projekta za delovanje v naprej.
3. Kako naprej
V bodoče bomo izkušnje vključenih razširili na širšo populacijo na posameznih šolah. V tej veri bomo v nadaljnje sodelovanje vključili več dijakov. Tako je projekt odlična iniciacija za večanje kompetenc na področju trajnostnega razvoja in odgovornega odnosa do narave in družbe. Na tem področju imamo še veliko kreativnih zamisli, ki bi jih skupaj z dijaki uresničili. Hkrati pa bi imeli možnost širiti zavest na področju trajnostnega razvoja in odgovornega delovanja tako znotraj šol in njihove okolice. Pri tem ga želimo nadgraditi vsebinsko in seveda vključiti večje število dijakov. Podpora vodstva šol temu projektu je nujna in hkrati odlična popotnica za vnaprej. Ob tej priložnosti bi se radi zahvalili vsem šolam, ki so omogočile takšno obliko sodelovanja, saj ga je kot koristnega prepoznala tudi organizacija Erasmus+, namreč presegli smo zastavljene načrte še pred koncem projekta junija 2024.
Gjøvik videregående skole – Ada Bråthen Øye, Aleš Črnko – Coordinating school
Poland (Cracow): Bartolomej Adler, Lukazs Zych
Slovakia (Bratislava): Paul Kindji
Slovenia (Maribor, II. gimnazija Maribor): Polona Vehovar, Matjaž Vehovar
The two-year Erasmus+ project in collaboration with four countries and respective schools is in its final phase. In considering another year of cooperation between the partner schools, searching for contacts, following the guidelines and writing the application, we can say that a long successful period is behind us, and we can slowly draw some conclusions. The conclusions are important mainly because of the findings and knowledge gained through such cooperation, on the basis of which we set goals and objectives for future projects.
– 4 exchanges, 4 countries, 4 IB schools, over 100 students
– 1 year of coordination and Erasmus+ application
– 2 years of active work
– More than 20 meetings and more than 20 actions on the field
- Vision – Act locally
The project, as its name Act locally suggests, started as an actual field operation in the immediate local environment of the partner schools of the project. We are interested in continuous student performance in the field of sustainable development, and responsibility towards society and the environment. In some of the actions we planted the trees in an environment with polluted air around Cracow and got involved in helping the NGO symbolically solve the problem of wartime immigrants from Ukraine in Poland. Furthermore, we socialised and thus helped the homeless in the industrial areas of Maribor and provided tutorials to children who come from national minorities in Slovenia. In Norway (Gjovik), we learned about the environmental aspects of developing a healthy lifestyle and social sustainability (free equipment rental available to everyone), the optimal use of (leftover) food (via applications), and people’s attitudes towards nature and climate change. The last and final mobility that is ahead of us is the meeting in Bratislava (Slovakia), where we will focus on intergenerational relations and zero tolerance for violence. A number of micro-level actions were also carried out. The main aim of this last mobility will be to activate the students to be proactive EU citizens.
- Findings
Many friendships were made between students and professors, and we were introduced to different aspects of thinking. Teachers are always motivators who identify, activate and develop student potential. Although a lot of effort was put into this project, the teachers always made sure that the schoolwork at our schools did not suffer. Even more; the teachers offered all participants the opportunity to acquire international competences. Some schools only have these in their curriculum (sustainable development, virtual web, personal well-being and the well-being of students and teachers). Seven professors carried out much co-ordinating and programming and put a lot of effort into the implementation of the project. Great efforts have been made to ensure that the project does not remain just the work and awareness of a handful of people. With this aim, we want to continue and expand the project also in the form of an application for the next project within the Erasmus+ strategic partnership (from KA210 to KA220). The co-operation of all participants is extremely useful and almost necessary for the project to continue on the same or even on a higher level. More than 100 students from the four above-mentioned partner schools will have taken the part in four mobilities. We will complete the four mobilities in a total of 20 days. More importantly, this project is not only intended for participants of the four mobilities, but also makes for an exceptional reference and recognition of the project for our future activities.
- Future Recommendations
In the future, we would like to expand the experience of those involved to the wider population at individual schools. By doing so, we would like to involve more students in further cooperation. Thus, the project is an excellent initiation for increasing competences in the field of sustainable development and responsible attitude towards nature and society. We still have many creative ideas in this area, which we would implement together with the students. At the same time, we would have the opportunity to spread awareness in the field of sustainable development and responsible operation both within schools and their surroundings. In doing so, we want to upgrade its content and, of course, include a larger number of students. It is of utmost importance that school management supports this project in the future. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the partner schools, especially the coordinating school in Norway, who made this form of cooperation possible. Our Erasmus+ project was also recognized as successful by the Erasmus+ organization, as we exceeded the set plans even before the end of the project in June 2024.
- Acknowledgment
We would like to thank the management at all four partner schools for recognizing the knowledge and experience of proactive professors. “Working globally and thinking locally” is extremely important in the EU and in the tenders of European institutions because of student mobility. We hope that you will support our hard work and effort in future projects.